Not Related at All
I'm kind of tired of people who assume they know everything, but are truely ignorant and know nothing at all. It's just kind of annoying, but hey--that's just me.
I put in my two weeks notice at Chuck E. Cheese yesterday. I am very sad. I almost cried. I hated it at first, but i grew to love it. And I wasn't fond of John at first, but he's so great. I'm going to miss them...if only it paid more. Koger's here I come.
Speaking of Chuck E. Cheese and quitting, one of my co-workers asked me out yesterday. It wasn't awkward at all until I said no. I tried not to make it awkward, but he just kinda stopped talking to me. Why is it that the girl is always the jerk for saying "no?" I mean, I'll give a guy a medal of honor for getting up enough courage to ask me out, but I do not want to "give the guy a chance." It's kinda like, ok so you know that girl likes you, give her a chance. That's very improbable. And it's always the girls' fault--I don't understand. Anyway, I suppose I will not miss him.
I'm leaving for my grandparents house tomorrow. I still say "grandparents." It's too weird to say grandma's. It'll be the first time since Easter, and for those of you who do not know, my grandfather passed away this Easter from kidney failure and a bunch of other stuff including cancer. It'll be weird, I'm not going to lie.
Chicago soon. Can't wait.
Anyway, I am tired. I'm going to sleep.
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