Monday, July 10, 2006

Whistle While You Work

One day I am going to wake up and find my life wasn't real and I'm going to be very dissapointed.

So I've been cleaning my room for the past 3 days. It's still not done. Why does it take me so long? Because it's me.

Once or even twice a year my room becomes an excavation project where drawers are emptied, shelves are cleared, closets are opened, underthebeds are shoveled, and the furniture is moved. I go through everything, and let me say, purging is a must. I've found papers from the end of last year. I've thrown away things I'd been holding on to for special reasons from the 6th grade. I've thrown away things I didn't even realize I'd been holding onto since the fourth grade. So far, 4.5 trash bags have left my room. I've gotten rid of things I don't use, need, or want.
I've found old cd's in my room. It's insane.

It takes me so long because I am a procrastinator, and I come from a long line of them. I never work on anything constantly...I guess if I did, my room would be cleaned in a day. I don't think I will ever know. Oh the possibilities.


Melissa said...

Thats weird. I'm going through the same thing with my room. Only I get really overwhelmed because I become really overzealous and dump out all my drawers, my closet, and my chest full of clothes all at the same time into a big pile on top of my bed. Then 5 minutes after my rampage I look back at the havoc I've wreaked and sit down in the middle of it and cry like a little kid because hey, now I don't have a place to sleep tonight and there's no way that I could possibly purge thoroughly in the 12 hours before I have to go to bed. I've found that rock music inspires me to get rid of more things though. Fiona Apple wont do the trick, at least initally.

Meg said...

That's funny...because that's exactly what I did. Minus the whole crying bit.

And I listen to rock, thanks. And just for that I'm changing the music. ...jerk.