Sunday, June 25, 2006


Yes, please.

Today I turned my application to return to England this fall. I should know by July 16 or 18 or something along those lines. I'm not really nervous, and I'm not really scared. I'm just kind of anxious. It's something I want so badly, and there's nothing I can do about it if my aplication gets rejected. I'm very critical, and I always remember things I should have said or should have done. I forgot to say a couple of things on my application, and it just makes me mad. But, o well. At least I turned it in on time.

I am getting more and more excited about the Chicago missoin trip. I've been every year we could go, and I love it. It's one of my favorite trips. I wouldn't miss it. Sadly to say, I am missing this year's camp. I want to go, but I am working, so I can't.

Really good bands I have found on Myspace (band websites linked on the sidebar):
The Southland
The 88
»Comming Home
»All 'Cause of You

I'll keep you updated.

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