Friday, April 14, 2006

soccer playing. rugby tossing. shoe shopping. nickelback cd buying. lightsaber fighting. race winning. mc donalds eating. mello yellow stealing. music listening. that was my wednesday with michael.

yesterday night, i went riding around because it felt so good yesterday. we went to an abandoned house and then i went exploring inside. i found some books. some random guy drove by and stopped. he looked at sarah's car, left then came back 3 minutes later. sarah and i freaked out (my heart was beating like none other) and then he drove up into the driveway (really long). sarah booked it to her car and sped away. we turned around and then went back the way we came from. we see a car that looks like the one that was looking at sarah's car and we freaked out. but then it was't. it was a van, not a truck. it was crazy. then we went to robbie's house and watched some oc. that was fun. then i came home and went to bed.

today is good friday. there is school today. but not for me. the parents didn't make me go. this afternoon, i am leaving for arkansas to visit my grandparents again.

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