Sunday, January 22, 2006

falling on my face in front of at least 100 people... anti drug...

i like creative dancing...want me to show you some?

yes indeed, i fell in front of everyone, and you know what? i enjoyed it. immensly. it was something i needed. my art was out and everyone could look at it, so i was excited and a bit prideful. it's something that i have been for a little while now. and tonight jay talked about doing everything for the glory of God, and i really haven't been. i've been doing everything for me.

well, i think God was like, "hey meaghan, it's not about you. so uh, how about you have a little trip--to the floor." yea, i was humbled. but i still thought it was hilarious. if i had been embarrassed, i wouldn't be posting about it. don't get me wrong, it was embarassing, but really, i love to tell a good embarassing story about myself any ole time. i just laugh at myself, make a big joke about it, and move on.

besides, i know if it had been any other person, i would have laughed until i had rock hard abs like chuck norris.

and i was excited that so many people came tonight, but i really wanted them to know how much work was put into it. but does that really matter? not really. not at all.

this will make one good story. it'll be a good teaching tool too. thank you, God.

"no no, i think i am going to lie here in my humility for another minute."

i am so glad people came. i can tell this thing is going to be amazing.

i hope we have school tomorrow...SIKE.

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