Sunday, January 01, 2006


who keeps 'em?

i've never made new year's resolutions, and i don't plan to start tonight. to me, if it's something that you say you will do, but know you are going to break them anyway, then it's just pointless...unless they are resolutions like "i'm going to make my life suck" or "i'm going to eat cat food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyother tuesday if the moon is full and only if i didn't see a black rabbit at 2 AM" or "i'm only going to take a bath/shower on the first of every month." if you know you are going to break them anyway, these might as well be you resolutions.

we don't need no resolutions.

so it's 7:49, but i am not posting this post until midnight. i'm not doing anything. i don't care.

this year has seemed so very long (and i have a feeling so will this post), but it feels like just yesterday i was at ashley's house watching anchorman and lighting noisemakers because we thought they were firecrackers. personally, i am glad this year is over. it's been the best so far, but there' s been a lot more crap than usual. holy crap have i changed this year. more than you will ever know.

i don't worry so much. i am not quiet, Lord knows i am not quiet. i can deal with things better. i don't overthink things. i have more confidence. yea, but you don't really know that unless you know me. i'm really glad that i have friends who have seen me change because it just makes it better that they've seen how you acted before, and can see how much you have grown.

this past year i have had to deal with things i never thought i would have to, and i've had opportunities i thought i would never have. mostly mission opportunities, but more than that.

amazing things have happened this year...
...planning for snowball lead team...
...the shenanagins pulled after planning...
...snowball itself... ended... camp...
...chicago mission trip... york mission trip...
...england mission trip...
...finally getting AIM (yea, it was about time)... in the inn... fall retreat...
...crash (first priority)...
...crash course art...
... the college retreat...
...the opportunity to be on snowball lead team again...

i've met so many cool people this year, and i've made so many new friends. sure some had to go to mexico or i had to go to chi-town or england or new york to meet them, but hey, i made friends.

hmm, they are playing all of the good oldies...because it is late and it is new years eve...always some catch with radio people.

nevermind. i am just going to post it now, and set the time to pretend like it was at midnight.

AND i fully plan to listen to NSYNC'S "kiss me at midnight" tonight. that's right.

i think you should look at my previous post because i worked a lot on the things i put in it.

i am ready for 2006. let's go.

the year of next

yea, so happy new years. go do something with your life.


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