Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Revolution will not be Televised

I opened up Blogger thinking about how much I wanted to go home. How I just had a wave of loneliness. How I always feel unsettled. And it got me thinking, am I ever going to be happy with where God leads me to? I feel like I'm always going to have the mentality that the grass is always, always greener on the other side. I want to know how to fix that desperately, because the grass isn't greener anywhere, and it's starting to get to me. I just want to be content for once. And I hope that when I go home, I will be. I think it's this whole growing up thing. I'm not sure it has anything to do with the place I'm in. I think it's just me realizing that I'm growing up and that I don't want to. Then, life just becomes about your job and cleaning your own house and being bored all of the time. I don't want to grow up because I don't want my life to revolve around how I make money. I want it to revolve around my God and my friends and my family, seriously and honestly I do. I want my love to be for people, not money.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Meg. Being one step ahead of you I connect with your thoughts and pains so well. It is a deep and real fear that we may never be content with what God has in store for us. Move forward. Keep going. God has a unique story for you and it isn't over. Hope is still hope even if there isn't much of it. Nourish it and it will grow.