Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I've got an internal battle going on inside of me.

Safari or Firefox?
No, IE is not an option.

Now I've always been a firm supporter of Firefox.  It's fast, it's not annoying, and it's got cool add-ons.  Then came along this stylish and simple web browser.  I know it's not knew, but apple felt that I needed it on my laptop, and I agreed.  I like the simplicity of Safari, but it's slower than Firefox.  I like the look of Safari, but it doesn't have some of my favorite add-ons.  I think I'm going to continue to use Safari mainly because I just like it better regardless of it's speed.

I will never ever enjoy Internet Explorer.  Ever.

[edit] writing blogs in Safari is annoying...  I don't want a double space when I hit enter.


Andrew Duffell said...

Micah said...

hold shift or control when you hit enter and it should single space it