Tuesday, March 04, 2008

There's a Reason "Assembly" Starts with "Ass"

So many of you don't know (unless you are British) that I'm moving in a monthish. Okay, some of you knew that, but I'm not going to the Farish household, but rather to the Bunfords'. I'm super excited to be with a family again. I know it's not my family, but I miss the family dynamic so much that I don't even care. I already know I like the family, but it'll be interesting to see how things settle. I love families.

Andy visited last month. He left a week ago today :/ Everyone asks me how I'm doing since he left... and to be honest, I'm doing great. Sure I miss him tons, but it was such a good feeling to have home and love around that it was enough to get me by til the next visit of a friend (plus I have comfort foods now ;p). It made it easier to get to know people as well because since he didn't know anyone, he had to meet them... which gave me the chance to get to meet them as well. We went to Bamburgh, Edinburgh, and London. We got to meet up with Mitch and that was fun. It was a double dose of home, and I was so happy. I'll put up a picture or two when I'm done editing them.

Michael, Hannah (Jackson), and I spent about 2 1/2 hours on planning a fifteen minute assembly... which isn't quite done yet... for tomorrow. It was so boring.

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