Tuesday, October 23, 2007

They're running out like the French!

So everyone wants to hang out before I leave, and they all want to hang out at the same time... choose a different day, people... but do it soon cause my days in this country are numbered (11)!

I can't hang out this Wednesday (24), Friday (26), Saturday (27), Sunday (28), next Monday (29), Tuesday (30), Thursday (1), or Friday (2)... and obviously not saturday the third as I am leaving that day.


Anonymous said...

you should hand out numbers that represent time slots. that is more clear than just dates. mmmk?

Meg said...

haha and THAT is why i'm gonna miss you.

Anonymous said...

I have forgotten my login and password to this website. How sad. Do you have a couple minutes on Wednesday before LifeGroups in your so busy schedule? :)


Andrew Duffell said...

Can I hang out with you on Sunday...? and maybe a few other days next week? ;)

Meg said...

sorry, wes, i don't! :/

duffell!! yes!

Tim said...

omg! we totally need to hang b/f u leave!!!11111!!!!

heheh...sorry. had to be done. see you sunday or sometime!

Meg said...

i better see you sunday, or your butt will be royally kicked.