Sometimes things are Different From what We Want.
Then, on a completely different note, there's always White Ninja.
Then, on a completely different note, there's always White Ninja.
Posted by
6:04 AM
I've lost a lot of things recently.
I am absent minded.
Too much so for my own good.
Posted by
5:46 PM
Grade A material.
I've been laughing out loud all day.
People think I've gone mad.
It's hilarious.
Then, BAM!
It's serious.
Currie doesn't come off as "holier than thou" either.
It's not a self help book.
It's not a you are terrible book.
It's not a cheesey book.
It's a conversation.
I've almost finished it in one day, with school and work.
It's just so good.
Posted by
9:42 PM
So I constantly think I've got this whole following God thing down, but then something happens, I'm thrown off course and I feel like I'm lost with no way home.
A lot goes on in my life that I don't really care to share. I'm not a sharing person when it comes to my life. I keep it to myself. And it's not like I'm about to change that on here, so don't get your hopes up.
I just find myself saying that certain things aren't fair, but in the back of my mind, I understand, thank God it's not. I don't mean that in a cheesy, "Aw, my friend got this and I didn't" kind of thing. I mean that in a "I can't do anything about this, and I'm so confused" kind of way. There's a constant acceleration of annoying thoughts that go through my head that make me feel like I live the hard life. Financially, emotionally. I mope around and don't do anything all day. I know there are people worse off than me, but for some reason, I just don't care.
Frankly, it's pathetic, and it disgusts me. Forget that.
So it's time to practice the patience that I don't have (it's a virtue you know).
On another note, I just spent $84.04 at Borders. For the life of me how did that happen?! Oh... wait... because I wasted twelve of those dollars since I had to buy the hardback version for school because they were sold out of paperback, and it's my fault for not getting it sooner. Crap. My purchase included:
Kite Runner: Kahled Hosseini (obviously the school book)
Captivating: John and Stasi Eldredge
Waking the Dead: John Eldgredge
Dead Bunnies: Brian Currie
So I've got loads of reading ahead of me, including How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart of which I borrowed from Jacob Strother.
And apparently I didn't have to work today, instead I have to work tomorrow... what a pleasant surprise.
I'm out.
Posted by
6:19 PM
It's crazy when you finally understand something.
You've heard it all your life, it makes you numb without you realising it. You hear it and you shrugg it off.
But there's something magical (yea, that's right, magical) about understanding something for the first time.
And there's something beautiful about God's affirmation.
It is the living word, and God does listen to me. God does interact with me. I just have to listen. I don't feel good enough because I'm not- I never will be.
That's what Jesus is for.
Posted by
9:03 PM