Sunday, October 15, 2006

Teesside, England, UK.

Eat it, suckas.

Anyway, this trip has been better than last year even. I mean, it's a little more hectic, but it's easier to talk to people I already know people.

It's beautiful.

My host family is so cool. I really enjoy staying with them. In fact, I will be pretty sad to leave.

But really, I should be here next year, so it will be sad, but I will be back, and that should keep me from crying huge emo tears.

I am seriously not emo though.


Kara said...

Meaghan!!!!!!!!!!!! AH! I miss you like....a lot. Dude. Email me soon.

Lola said...

well, of COURSE you'll be sad to leave..duh, lol...'s so refreshing to comment on here again. :)