Thursday, September 08, 2005

remnants of doubtful compliments

you remember about how i asked you to pray for my family? well, thank you, it's worked. my father now has a new job and won't rely on his commision of selling insurance. thank God because he pretty much sucked at it. keep praying because that's not the only reason we needed it, but it was half.

mrs. chessor complimented my photos that i took, not just the crappy "i'm your teacher, i have to compliment you" compliment, but an honest one. that made me feel awesome.

i got my passport taken care of this morning and arrived at school late. i missed 4 out of 5 classes. it felt amazing, but it was kinda wierd because when you come back people have been going on with their lives. don't get me wrong, i know the world doesn't revolve around me, but it's still a wierd feeling.

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