Tuesday, January 31, 2006

express yourself

express yourself.
your faith.
your art.
your thoughts.
your joy.
your hurt.
your anger.
your writings.
your anxieties.
your tiredness.
your feelings.
express yourself.

Express Yourself!
Express Yourself!

You don’t ever need help from nobody else.
All you got to do now: Express Yourself!

What ever you do, do it good.
What ever you do, do it good.

All right... It’s not what you look like,
when you’re doin' what you’re doin'.
It’s what you’re doin'
when you’re doin' what you look like you’re doin'!

Express Yourself!
Express Yourself!

They’re doin´it on the moon, yeah... In the jungle too.
Everybody on the floor, now. Jumpin' like a kangaroo.
So let the horns do the thing they do, yo...
Some people have everything, and other people don’t.
But everything don’t mean a thing if it ain´t the thing you want.

Express Yourself! Express Yourself!

O, do it! O, do it. Do it to it.
Go on and do it. Yo, do it. Give.

Express Yourself!
Express Yourself!

express yourself | charles wright and the watts 103rd street rhythm band

Monday, January 30, 2006

i needed somewhere to hang my head

samantha of the high sierra.

no i didn't name her. we rescued her when she was a puppy and that was the name that she already had. she's had seizures. she's run away. she's had heart worms. everytime we found her or she was ok. this time it was real and she's gone. it was ironic that the one oldie song i remember from cali (where we got her and the one song that i have known since i can remember) played on the radio on our way there.

this is sam. o Lord, i already miss her; i am a wreck. i knew it wouldn't fully hit me what we were going to do until today...well actually it hit me last night as i cried the biggest tears ever until i fell asleep. i came home early today because i had a headache and i couldn't focus and i just kept crying. and i hate crying especially in public. she was the sweetest dog ever...unless you were annoying the crap out of her. then she would've snarled and snapped at you. she was shaking in the car, in the waiting room, and in the vet's office. who could blame her? i almost wished she had passed away at home because the look on her face as the vet took her away nearly ripped my heart right out of my chest. i couldn't breathe--it knocked the wind out of me. that was the last time i would ever see her. i couldn't hold the tears back then. and she was taken away from me by a stranger, some one she had no idea who it was and that would be the last person she would ever see. not me, not my family. all i am left with is her pink collar and an extra leash...ahh this pink collar...this is the one she's had her whole life; i can't tell you how many times she has slipped out of this thing. she's not here for me to pet...she won't sleep in my room or on my bed, and when there's a thunderstorm she won't be there to freak out. i won't find her next to my parents bed or behind the couch...i'm going to miss the way she cocks her head when she's excited or you are talking to her...
i have to quit because i just can't write about it anymore.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

falling on my face in front of at least 100 people...

...my anti drug...

i like creative dancing...want me to show you some?

yes indeed, i fell in front of everyone, and you know what? i enjoyed it. immensly. it was something i needed. my art was out and everyone could look at it, so i was excited and a bit prideful. it's something that i have been for a little while now. and tonight jay talked about doing everything for the glory of God, and i really haven't been. i've been doing everything for me.

well, i think God was like, "hey meaghan, it's not about you. so uh, how about you have a little trip--to the floor." yea, i was humbled. but i still thought it was hilarious. if i had been embarrassed, i wouldn't be posting about it. don't get me wrong, it was embarassing, but really, i love to tell a good embarassing story about myself any ole time. i just laugh at myself, make a big joke about it, and move on.

besides, i know if it had been any other person, i would have laughed until i had rock hard abs like chuck norris.

and i was excited that so many people came tonight, but i really wanted them to know how much work was put into it. but does that really matter? not really. not at all.

this will make one good story. it'll be a good teaching tool too. thank you, God.

"no no, i think i am going to lie here in my humility for another minute."

i am so glad people came. i can tell this thing is going to be amazing.

i hope we have school tomorrow...SIKE.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


who keeps 'em?

i've never made new year's resolutions, and i don't plan to start tonight. to me, if it's something that you say you will do, but know you are going to break them anyway, then it's just pointless...unless they are resolutions like "i'm going to make my life suck" or "i'm going to eat cat food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyother tuesday if the moon is full and only if i didn't see a black rabbit at 2 AM" or "i'm only going to take a bath/shower on the first of every month." if you know you are going to break them anyway, these might as well be you resolutions.

we don't need no resolutions.

so it's 7:49, but i am not posting this post until midnight. i'm not doing anything. i don't care.

this year has seemed so very long (and i have a feeling so will this post), but it feels like just yesterday i was at ashley's house watching anchorman and lighting noisemakers because we thought they were firecrackers. personally, i am glad this year is over. it's been the best so far, but there' s been a lot more crap than usual. holy crap have i changed this year. more than you will ever know.

i don't worry so much. i am not quiet, Lord knows i am not quiet. i can deal with things better. i don't overthink things. i have more confidence. yea, but you don't really know that unless you know me. i'm really glad that i have friends who have seen me change because it just makes it better that they've seen how you acted before, and can see how much you have grown.

this past year i have had to deal with things i never thought i would have to, and i've had opportunities i thought i would never have. mostly mission opportunities, but more than that.

amazing things have happened this year...
...planning for snowball lead team...
...the shenanagins pulled after planning...
...snowball itself...
...school ended...
...church camp...
...chicago mission trip...
...new york mission trip...
...england mission trip...
...finally getting AIM (yea, it was about time)...
...room in the inn...
...church fall retreat...
...crash (first priority)...
...crash course art...
... the college retreat...
...the opportunity to be on snowball lead team again...

i've met so many cool people this year, and i've made so many new friends. sure some had to go to mexico or i had to go to chi-town or england or new york to meet them, but hey, i made friends.

hmm, they are playing all of the good oldies...because it is late and it is new years eve...always some catch with radio people.

nevermind. i am just going to post it now, and set the time to pretend like it was at midnight.

AND i fully plan to listen to NSYNC'S "kiss me at midnight" tonight. that's right.

i think you should look at my previous post because i worked a lot on the things i put in it.

i am ready for 2006. let's go.

the year of next

yea, so happy new years. go do something with your life.
